* 50- ha site located opposite the Armidale Regional Airport Terminal
* Located on the New England Highway mid-way between Sydney and Brisbane
* 2.25 hours from Coffs Harbour via the Waterfall Way
* 88 Lots in total
* Priced from $100 per square metre
* Zones IN2 Light Industrial
* Lots range in size from 1,000 square metres - 5 hectares
* A significant portion of sites offer frontage to the New England Highway
* All sites are level
* NB the owner will consider alternatives to lot sizes and configuration either by lot amalgamation or boundary adjustments
* All sites are fully-serviced including lighting, underground power, NBN (fibre to premises), sewerage and road access to all lots suitable for articulated vehicles, B-Doubles and coaches
For a copy of the Information Memorandum please contact the agent